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How The Polar Company undertakes socially

How The Polar Company undertakes socially

The Polar Company is growing! Of course, that is great, but it is also very busy at our head office in Amsterdam. That is why we have involved KempenPlus to give us a hand with the packaging and shipping of our packages.



 What is KempenPlus?

KempenPlus is a participating company, also called a sheltered workshop, located in Bladel. They are responsible for the implementation of the Participation Act and the Sheltered Employment Act in the adjoined municipalities. This means that they help citizens that need support to get back to work.


By means of suitable training and coaching, they prepare clients for the regular labour market. With over 800 employees, KempenPlus is one of the largest employers in the region. Because KempenPlus has a large group of employees and fully equipped production halls, they offer a lot of different possibilities.



The team

Our products are packed carefully by Suzy and Anja, who both have been working at KempenPlus for over ten years. Suzy has been trained internally to be a supervisor and is responsible for managing and supervising the other employees. Anja is usually responsible for administration but helps out wherever necessary. The ladies had never heard of The Polar Company before but did become a bit curious. The ladies do not know exactly what they want in the future, but one thing is certain, Suze and Anja have totally found their place at KempenPlus.


Why KempenPlus?

KempenPlus is convinced that everyone has talents and we at The Polar Company agree completely. Furthermore, we find it extremely important to work efficiently, take initiative and reach goals. Social entrepreneurship helps us with this. By making optimal use of the knowledge and experience of KempenPlus, we not only have more time for other things but we also give something back to society.


A real win-win situation if you ask us! :)


Social Delivery

Social entrepreneurship does not only mean that everyone deserves a chance to be able to work, but also that your company contributes to the environment. Therefore, we decided that our packages aren’t picked up daily, but 3 times a week at KempenPlus, particularly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This way we try to minimalize the CO2 emissions but still deliver the packages on time.